I, __________________________ am the parent or legal guardian of _____________________________, (hereinafter "my child") and I am informed of the VBS activities offered by Edmund Blvd Baptist Church (hereinafter "church") located at: 1405 Edmund Blvd, in the City of San Angelo, in the county of Tom Green, and State of Texas, beginning on the day of Tuesday, 6/11/2019 and ending on the day of Thursday, 06/13/19. Further, I consent to the use of any video images, photographs, audio recordings, or any other visual or audio reproduction that may be taken of the child/participant during their participation in any activity, event or trip to be used, distributed, or shown as said church sees fit but not exclusive to: slide shows, church web site, print media or local newspapers.
As the parent or legal guardian of this child, I hereby consent for this child to attend and participate in all activities provided by this church.